- Uninsured
- Underinsured
- Insurance
- Medicare
- Medicaid
Área de Servicios
RevisarBelle Terrace Health & Wellness Center is a top-notch dental clinic that offers unparalleled service. Their team of dentists is highly skilled and knowledgeable, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. The facility is well-maintained, clean, and equipped with the latest technology. The staff is also friendly and accommodating, making patients feel comfortable and at ease. Whether it's a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, Belle Terrace Health & Wellness Center is the place to go for dental care. Highly recommended to anyone looking for high-quality dental services!
- 2023-01-18 Charged Sliding Scale $150
- 2022-10-21 Completely Free Clinic $25
- 2022-08-02 Charged Sliding Scale $50
- 2022-04-27 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2022-02-03 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2021-11-10 $0
- 2021-11-07 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2021-06-29 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2021-06-29 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $10
- 2021-02-11 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $100
- 2019-10-06 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $7
- 2019-04-10 $100
- 2019-02-20 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2018-10-30 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2018-10-20 $100
- 2018-09-24 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2018-09-06 Completely Free Clinic $10
- 2018-08-21 Completely Free Clinic $140
- 2018-07-25 $0
- 2018-07-25 $0
- 2018-03-20 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2018-02-21 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $288
- 2018-01-21 Charged Sliding Scale $40
- Women's Health
- Men's Health
- Primary Care
- Pediatric
- Medical
- Health Education/Nutrition
- Family Planning
- Dental
- Lab
- Blood Pressure Screening
- HIV/AIDS Testing
- Hearing
- Cholesterol Screening/Lipid Panel Test
- Vision
- English
Horas de oficina
By Appointment Only
Conocimiento de cuidado dental
Free Dental Implants
10 Lugares Que Ofrecen Implantes Dentales Gratuitos
Aprende sobre 10 organizaciones que ofrecen implantes dentales gratuitos para personas necesitadas.
Affordable Dental Implants
Implantes dentales asequibles: costo y opciones.
Aprende sobre el costo de los implantes dentales y las opciones asequibles disponibles.
Affordable Dental Implants
Implantes dentales asequibles para pacientes de bajos ingresos.
Aprende sobre las opciones de implantes dentales asequibles disponibles para pacientes de bajos ingresos y cómo acceder a estos servicios.