Southeast Health and Wellness Center - CommUnityCare
(512) 978-9901
2901 Montropolis Dr, Austin, TX - 78741
- Uninsured
- Underinsured
- Insurance
- Medicare
- Medicaid
Área de Servicios
RevisarSoutheast Health and Wellness Center-CommUnityCare is the perfect choice if you're looking for a top-notch dental clinic. Their team of experienced and knowledgeable dentists goes above and beyond to provide exceptional care for their patients. They employ the latest technologies and techniques to ensure that every visit is comfortable, efficient, and most importantly, effective. Their staff is also very friendly and accommodating, making the entire experience stress-free. From routine cleanings to complex dental procedures, Southeast Health and Wellness Center-CommUnityCare is the right choice. Highly recommended!
- 2023-02-07 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2023-02-01 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $150
- 2022-12-22 Completely Free Clinic $50
- 2022-09-28 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2022-07-06 $50
- 2022-07-04 $800
- 2022-05-10 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2022-02-02 Charged Sliding Scale $300
- 2022-01-17 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2021-05-10 Charged Sliding Scale $300
- 2021-04-04 Completely Free Clinic $100
- 2020-02-12 Charged Sliding Scale $800
- 2020-02-12 Charged Sliding Scale $700
- 2019-05-01 Charged Sliding Scale $75
- 2018-07-25 Charged Sliding Scale $50
- 2018-04-21 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- Primary Care
- Medical
- Women's Health
- Dental
- Counseling/Mental Health
- Diabetes - Treatment/Management
- Health Education/Nutrition
- Pediatric
- Adults
- Pregnancy
- Specialists
- Immunizations
- Urgent Care
- Telemedicine
- Lab
- English
Horas de oficina
- Monday 7:15 AM - 6:00 PM
- Tuesday 7:15 AM - 6:00 PM
- Wednesday 7:15 AM - 6:00 PM
- Thursday 7:15 AM - 6:00 PM
- Friday 7:15 AM - 6:00 PM
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
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