- Uninsured
- Underinsured
- Insurance
- Medicare
- Medicaid
Área de Servicios
RevisarDenver Harbor Family Clinic is a top-notch dental clinic that provides excellent dental care services without making you feel uneasy. The clinic has experienced and well-trained dentists who use state-of-the-art technology to deliver superior treatments with compassion and professionalism. Dental procedures are painless, and the team ensures a comfortable experience for patients of all ages. The clinic's facilities are clean and equipped with modern dental equipment. Additionally, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable, making the entire visit an enjoyable experience. Denver Harbor Family Clinic is definitely worth considering for anyone seeking reliable dental care services in the area.
- 2018-08-23 Charged Sliding Scale $120
- 2018-08-23 $120
- 2018-08-23 $120
- 2018-07-17 $1000
- 2018-07-01 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2018-03-06 Charged Sliding Scale $50
- 2017-09-18 Charged Sliding Scale $200
- 2017-08-29 Completely Free Clinic $20
- 2017-08-18 Completely Free Clinic $50
- 2017-08-18 $50
- 2017-08-18 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $300
- 2017-07-20 Completely Free Clinic $200
- 2017-07-09 Charged Sliding Scale $400
- 2017-07-05 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $50
- 2017-06-26 Completely Free Clinic $12
- 2017-06-18 Completely Free Clinic $10
- Women's Health
- Social Services
- Primary Care
- Pediatric
- Counseling/Mental Health
- Medical
- Health Education/Nutrition
- Family Planning
- Dental
- Geriatric
- Pregnancy
- Adults
- Immunizations
- Blood Pressure Screening
- Diabetes - Treatment/Management
- Vision
- Mammograms
- Telemedicine
- English
- Spanish
Horas de oficina
- Monday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Tuesday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Wednesday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
- Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
Conocimiento de cuidado dental
Dentist Near Me
Cómo elegir un dentista
Consejos y consideraciones para encontrar el dentista adecuado para tus necesidades de salud oral.
Dentist Near Me
Qué preguntar a un dentista
Una guía completa sobre las preguntas importantes a hacer al visitar a un dentista.
Dentist Near Me
Cómo encontrar un buen dentista
Aprenda cómo encontrar un dentista confiable y habilidoso para todas sus necesidades de salud bucal.