Carolinas Medical Center Dental Clinic - CMC Dental Clinic
(704) 355-2165
1000 Blythe Boulevard, Charlotte, NC - 28203
- 2023-02-26 $100
- 2023-02-20 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2023-02-18 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2023-02-14 Completely Free Clinic $100
- 2023-02-11 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2023-02-07 $5
- 2023-01-28 Charged Sliding Scale $50
- 2022-07-07 Completely Free Clinic $100
- 2022-05-09 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2022-02-21 Completely Free Clinic $10
- 2022-02-08 Completely Free Clinic $1
- 2022-02-08 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2022-02-03 Charged Sliding Scale $509
- 2022-01-22 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2021-11-22 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2021-10-01 Charged Sliding Scale $67
- 2021-07-09 Completely Free Clinic $200
- 2021-04-03 Charged Sliding Scale $163
- 2021-02-07 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2021-01-28 $50
- 2021-01-28 Charged Sliding Scale $50
- 2021-01-13 Charged Sliding Scale $250
- 2020-11-16 Charged Sliding Scale $20
- 2020-10-04 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $0
- 2020-06-15 Charged Sliding Scale $1000
- 2020-05-08 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $50
- 2020-02-24 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2020-02-18 Charged Sliding Scale $45
- 2020-01-27 Charged Sliding Scale $1000
- 2019-12-28 Charged Sliding Scale $0
- 2019-10-31 $20
- 2019-08-19 $0
- 2019-08-12 $50
- 2019-07-26 Charged Sliding Scale $250
- 2019-07-21 Completely Free Clinic $200
- 2019-05-20 Not Free Or Sliding Scale $600
- 2019-05-18 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2019-05-15 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2019-05-07 Charged Sliding Scale $100
- 2019-03-25 Charged Sliding Scale $0
- 2019-01-23 Completely Free Clinic $0
- 2018-12-18 Charged Sliding Scale $0
By Appointment Only
This is a SLIDING SCALE clinic. The costs for clinic services are based on either your income or they offer type of financial assistance. Contact the clinic directly to discuss prices for individual services which vary. Sliding Scale does not necessarily mean free. Emergency dental care only. Sliding scale based on household income for Mecklenburg County residents. Must show proof of U.S. citizenship and have photo identification to apply for sliding scale.
Conocimiento de cuidado dental
Dentures for Seniors
Cómo obtener dentaduras asequibles para personas mayores
Aprende sobre las diferentes opciones disponibles para que las personas mayores puedan obtener dentaduras asequibles.
Dentures for Seniors
Dentaduras para personas mayores: Una sonrisa que durará toda una vida.
Aprenda sobre los beneficios de las dentaduras para personas mayores y cómo pueden mejorar su calidad de vida.
Dentures for Seniors
Prótesis dentales para personas mayores: Una nueva sonrisa sin arruinar el bolsillo.
Aprende cómo los adultos mayores pueden conseguir dentaduras asequibles y recuperar su confianza en sus sonrisas.